Open & Shut
A collection of notable quotations
From the Summer 2008 issue of The News Media & The Law, page 32.
“The fact that the images I took of the suicide bombing — which are just photographs of something that happens every day all across the country — the fact that these photos have been so incredibly shocking to people, says that whatever [the military officials] are doing to limit this type of photo getting out, it is working.”
— Zoriah Miller, who was kicked out of the unit with which he was embedded in Iraq after posting photos of unidentifiable dead marines on his blog.
“Ten angels swearing on Bibles that that bill is harmless would not change the provisions that are in it.”
— Attorney General Michael Mukasey, to the House Judiciary Committee, in reference to the proposed reporter’s shield law.
“As a conservative who believes in limited government, I believe the only check on government power in real time is a free and independent press. A free press ensures the flow of information to the public, and in this time of scandal and corruption in high places, such information is needed now more than ever to hold the government accountable.”
— Rep. Mike Pence, in a Washington Times opinion piece favoring the Free Flow of Information Act.
“I hope this means that this ordeal is over and that I can get on with my life. . . . I protected my sources, and that’s important.”
— Toni Locy, after Steven Hatfill settled his Privacy Act lawsuit with the federal government.
“We believed all along that the purpose of these subpoenas was to harass members of the media and to chill the press from further reporting on the DeNaples proceedings. . . . Fortunately the judge saw that as well and ruled in our favor.”
— Philadelphia Inquirer attorney Scott K. Baker after a judge decided 15 reporters subpoenaed as part of a grand jury leak probe would not have to testify in court.
“It is facially unconstitutional for a court to seal a docket and thereby obliterate any public knowledge of an entire lawsuit’s existence.”
— A motion filed by The Legal Intelligencer in Philadelphia arguing for the release of a wrongful termination case that had been heard, dismissed and appealed entirely under seal.
“Everyone would like to know how The Free Press got the text messages, but it’s not relevant to this case.”
— Circuit Judge Robert Colombo Jr., denying Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s bid to force journalists to reveal confidential sources in his ongoing text message scandal.