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Support RCFP with stock and financial assets

Donating appreciated stock or other financial assets to the Reporters Committee makes an outsized impact for press freedom. It’s a smart way to provide a bigger boost for journalists who are fighting to keep their communities informed.

Donors of stock and other financial assets enjoy a number of benefits, such as avoiding capital gains taxes, claiming a tax deduction on the full market value, and avoiding the transaction costs and taxes involved in selling stocks and donating cash. Donors generally incur the greatest tax benefit when donating appreciated stock that has been held for more than a year.

All of this means you can meet your giving goals, enjoy tax benefits, and make a meaningful contribution to press freedom nationwide. That’s a big win for everyone!

Setting up a stock donation

To set up a stock donation, please notify the Reporters Committee at If you gift stocks through your brokerage, we may receive only limited information about the gift, and it can be difficult to match stock gifts with donors. By alerting us ahead of time, we know who sent the gift for recognition and tax-acknowledgement purposes!

Before setting up a stock donation, you’ll need to know your brokerage name, account number, stock name, and number of shares you want to donate. We will provide the Reporters Committee’s DTC, account number, and other brokerage information. If you are donating mutual funds, or need additional support, we can connect you or your financial advisor with our Institutional Trust Officer at PNC Bank.

Once complete, you’ll receive an acknowledgment for your gift. As a general policy, the Reporters Committee immediately sells incoming stock and financial assets at the current market price. Your acknowledgement letter will recognize the donations of x shares of y stock or other financial instruments as of the given date of the transfer.

If you don’t have stocks/financial assets to donate, or prefer to give via credit or bank transfer, you can give to the Reporters Committee online, or mail your contribution to: 1156 15th Street NW, Suite 1020 | Washington, D.C. 20005.

Return to the main giving page.

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