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Annie Kapnick joins Reporters Committee as litigation fellow

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Annie will draft friend-of-the-court briefs and support the Reporters Committee’s litigation efforts.

In September, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press welcomed Annie Kapnick as a litigation fellow, a role in which she will draft friend-of-the-court briefs, conduct legal research and assist with the organization’s litigation efforts.

While a student at Harvard Law School, Annie says she became interested in First Amendment litigation and its intersection with technology.

“I was looking for an organization that focuses on a broad range of media litigation topics, including complex technology-related First Amendment issues, and a commitment to increasing government transparency,” she said. “The Reporters Committee has an excellent litigation team, they’re working on some really exciting issues and have their toe in all the important cases that are happening right now in the First Amendment arena.”

Before attending law school, Annie worked in finance for three years. The experience working in the corporate world helped her realize her desire to work at a nonprofit organization.

“I wanted to find a career I could actually be passionate about, and feel like I had more impact on the world,” Annie said. “I think working at a nonprofit specifically was something that was always a goal of mine going into law school.”

A New York native, Annie graduated from Stanford University in 2015 with a B.S. in management science and engineering, with interdisciplinary honors in international security studies. She then returned to New York to work in finance, before attending Harvard Law School, where she was executive submissions editor of the National Security Journal, a James Vorenberg Equal Justice Summer Fellow and a research assistant for Professor Martha Minow.

She graduated cum laude this past May before joining the Reporters Committee.

Annie Kapnick is not admitted to practice law.

The Reporters Committee regularly files friend-of-the-court briefs and its attorneys represent journalists and news organizations pro bono in court cases that involve First Amendment freedoms, the newsgathering rights of journalists and access to public information. Stay up-to-date on our work by signing up for our monthly newsletter and following us on Twitter or Instagram.

Photo by Anna G. Bahn

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