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Danny Yu

Vice President of Finance & Operations
Danny Yu

Danny Yu is the vice president of finance and operations at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. He oversees the financial, operational, and administrative functions and strategies of the organization.

Danny has extensive experience in financial management and reporting, fiscal planning and analysis, accounting, and operations and administrative management. For the past 20+ years, his career has been focused on providing comprehensive financial management and operations support for organizations in the nonprofit world. Before coming to RCFP, Danny served as the vice president of finance and administration at J Street, a nonprofit organization working to advocate for diplomacy-first American leadership and policies that advance justice, equality, peace, and democracy in Israel, the middle east, and in the United States. Prior to J Street, Danny spent his career managing and administering the finances of other nonprofit organizations in the Washington, D.C., region, including those in the social justice and conservation fields as well as the public sector.

Danny has a B.A. in economics from the University of Virginia and an M.B.A. from George Washington University. Danny currently resides in Arlington, Virginia, with his wife Katie, his sons Connor and Liam, and their dog Luna.