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Support RCFP with your donor-advised fund

Giving through a donor-advised fund is a fast, tax-efficient way to support the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press! Using DAF accounts allows donors to easily make charitable contributions to recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations like the Reporters Committee, receive tax deductions, and set up recurring donations — monthly, quarterly, or annually.

You can easily recommend a gift to the Reporters Committee from your Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon donor-advised fund using this resource! If you have a DAF through a different institution, or if you prefer to recommend your giving through your DAF’s staff, website, or app, contact them directly.

When setting up a DAF contribution, please reach out to the Reporters Committee at and notify us. This allows our staff to ensure your DAF contribution is correctly processed and to properly recognize your support!

You can also set up a nonprofit organization to receive a portion of your DAF account after your lifetime. Simply name the Reporters Committee as a beneficiary or successor, and a designated percentage of your remaining assets will be transferred to support our mission. This is a simple and meaningful way to continue the legacy of your philanthropy after your passing.

If you don’t have a donor-advised fund, or prefer to give via credit or bank transfer, you can donate to the Reporters Committee online, or mail your contribution to: 1156 15th Street NW, Suite 1020 | Washington, D.C. 20005.

Return to the main giving page.

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