Senators modify media shield bill to include Attorney General's changes to Justice policy
A bipartisan group of senators on Wednesday introduced an amendment to the federal shield bill in an effort to cement… -
Department of Labor implements new "lock-up" policy for media
The U.S. Department of Labor began implementing parts of its new, slightly more-friendly media policy regarding journalists' access to embargoed… -
Media object to proposed Department of Labor press controls in Congressional hearing
News media executives and free press advocates expressed concern today at a House congressional committee regarding the U.S. Department of… -
FOIA and technology hot topic at House oversight subcommittee hearing
The importance of streamlining agency efforts to fill federal Freedom of Information Act requests was the hot topic at a… -
House Judiciary Comm. takes on Wikileaks, Espionage Act
The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee held a hearing Thursday to address the Wikileaks controversy and discuss the future… -
Congress again seeks to ban release of torture photos
Barring the release of photos depicting abuse of detainees in U.S. custody was again the subject of a legislative amendment… -
Houses passes federal shield bill
A federal shield bill that would give reporters a qualified privilege from revealing confidential sources was passed by the U.S.… -
Federal shield law moves out of House committee
The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday approved a federal shield bill that aims to protect journalists from compelled disclosure of their confidential sources, in language identical to… -
Open government advocates ask for transparent bailout
As Congress puts $8.5 trillion in taxpayer dollars toward rescuing institutions that have lost their financial footing, more than 70…